Working for safe and effective treatment

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Foundation Details

The Psychotherapy Foundation is a company limited by guarantee (Company No. 8142499), and all income and funds are invested and reinvested in the work of the Foundation. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation which is charitable in nature.

Structure and Governance Chair Foundation Objectives

Introducing the Psychotherapy Foundation

The Psychotherapy Foundation is a professional organisation which aims to promote safe, effective and efficient treatments in the field of psychotherapy. We do this by –

The work of the Foundation is largely achieved through sponsored projects. These projects span the range of objectives of the organisation. The aim is to support the work of the Foundation, and its projects, through Foundation Associates, Advisors and a Council of Reference. The work of the Foundation is overseen by its Chair and Senior Consultant, who is currently Dr Stephen Buller.

Donations and Sponsorship

You can donate to fund the work of the Foundation. We will also welcome you as a sponsor for a specific piece of work, or project within the Foundation. To do this contact: Please let us have your name and contact details so we can get back to you for a conversation.

Contact Us

You can find out more about us by contacting us for a conversation: