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Projects > Evidence Review Projects

First-Line and Second-Line Treatments

Systematic reviews of treatments for anxiety, depression and personality disorder are progressing. Arising from this work is an issue regarding an evidence base for first-line and second-line treatments. Work on service delivery models made use of this evidence for first-line and second-line treatments in producing example models for discussion and consultation workshops (see Service Design Project page).

A paper on first-line and second-line treatments has been out for consultation, and for discussion within specially convened workshops.  The work of the project team has been summarised in a preliminary diagrammatic of a current model of first-line and second-line treatment options, and this diagrammatic is available here. This work of the project team, the diagrammatic, and the results of the consultation will for the basis if dialogue and discussion at forthcoming workshops.

Evidence Review Projects

The Foundation is building capacity to undertake, publish, and promote systematic reviews of the latest and most up to date research evidence about effective psychotherapeutic treatments.

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Download a copy of the preliminary diagrammatic as a PDF document