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Service Design Project

The Foundation is commissioning work to demonstrate results from the Evidence Review Projects as Service Design Models. This Service Design Project will make these Service Design Models available to commissioners and providers as good practice templates.

Projects Overview Knowledgeable User Project Evidence Review Projects Protocol and Manual Project Service Design Project Research Development Project PRN Project New and Targeted Projects

Development of Service Design Models

There is a developing understanding of the implications of the evidence base for treatments within the NHS commissioning arrangements. This understanding, coupled with a commitment to outcome measures, is driving a creative approach to service design.

Recent work has once again highlighted an issue regarding first-line and second-line treatments (see Evidence Review Projects page). Previous work on service delivery models made use of first-line and second-line treatments in producing example models for consultation, discussion and workshops. A preliminary paper on example models was circulated for consultation and discussion within the work of this Project. The work of the project team has been summarised in a diagrammatic of a service delivery model which was developed in preliminary consultation.  This diagrammatic is available here. The work of the project team, the diagrammatic, and the results of the consultation will for the basis if dialogue and discussion at forthcoming workshops.

Download a copy of the draft discussion diagrammatic as a PDF document